For more info visit http://www.nami.org/miaw
October 3 - National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding -
Mental illness networks and faith leaders are urged to work together so that they may recognize and prepare for this day in a way that works best for each faith community. The prayers and actions of both faith communities and secular organizations (e.g. NAMI, NMHA, DBSA, OCF, ADAA, etc.) can support mental health in America. Through spiritual guidance, many individuals and communities find healing and recovery. More info - https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/NAMI-FaithNet/Inspirational-and-Healing-Prayers/National-Day-of-Prayer-for-Mental-Illness-Recovery
October 5 - National Depression Screening Day - Take an online depression screening. MHA's screening tools are free, anonymous, and confidential. https://www.mhanational.org/national-depression-screening-day
October 10 - World Mental Health Day