I am the Affiliate Chair for NAMI Maryville/Blount and I need your help.
NAMI Maryville/Blount and NAMI TN are gearing up again for the Walk that will be held on May 20th at Ralph McGill Plaza in Farragut. I'm asking that you will lend some much needed support. This year 65% of the amount we raise stays in Blount County for us to continue providing support, education, resources and advocacy for folks in our county. ( every thing we do is free)
In the last 12 months, we have provided resources to area mental health centers, taught 2 Family Support classes, held monthly family support group meetings, met with legislators in Nashville, and participated in Fairs at Maryville College, Pellissippi State, Alcoa High School, Compassion Counseling, Race for Recovery and the recent HiJacked Event. We have also spoken at two area churches to discuss mental health and faith communities. We also have a Helpline to assist families with mental health issues. Whew, that wore me out just typing this out! So please help us continue to provide these much needed resources to our community.